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Home John's 70 Roadster         



Because of its newness we have started with a few examples.  Please select the full show by clicking the images below. Some will be single photographs of our viewers rides

John's 70 Stingray Roadster after its four year frame-off restoration in Gelnhausen roaming around in Maryland

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Bill Taylor Really knows how to do it when it comes to Vette photography.  Check out these pics of his Red 65 Roadster.  Nice shots!

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Vette owner Joe DeMartino sent us some great shots of his 76 L-48.   Check out the clean red paint job on this machine.  He's got a lot more to show at his web site.  Check it out at:

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Nothing like the raw power of the 427/435 package in a beautiful convertible like this one.  Being one of America's most sought after Vette's, this 67 would be any owners dream come true! - Pat - Chicago IL.

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Only known as Gator81, this Yellow beauty cruises the streets of Ogden Utah.   Check out the pics linked to this photo....

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Riches Incorrect 66 looks just fine to us. (He says the car dosn't know it and seems satisfied too.) Anyway, I'm sure onlookers are far more interested in the awesome 427sound exiting the side pipes.  He's got this car on his web at:

Rich's Incorrect 'Vette Site

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Here's a pretty Red 64 Roadster following three years of on-going TLC. It sat for 18 years before the son of this owner found it in Woodinville, WA. Wouldn't it be nice to have our children finding more stuff like the bushes.

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Here's a 69 at its resting place in Clifton New Jersey.  Owner AKA: Joe 6T9er.  Nice car Joe!

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Here's a pristine 69 from Apex NC. See some of the work the owner has done.  He also has a web site featuring his restoration.  Check it out by clicking the photo below.

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Top down and ready to roll.  This is Scott's 69 Roadster.  He's posted some details about the car on his site. Hey Scott....whats that thing in the garage?

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Here's Bob Harpers 72.  It's featured on the web at Corvettes>   Its hard to imagine the work involved in getting Corvettes to look like this one.  This was a frame off restoration! This isn't Bob's only Vette.  Talk about being a dedicated Vette fan!!!

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Pedro has some excellent shots of his clean red 74 at his web site.   Check them out by clicking on this one...

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Here's Shannon's 78 L-82 parked in San Diego CA.  Its just been painted and has a list of features.  The work done on the car has also been outlined the picture..

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Here's a couple of shots from Bryan in Pearland TX.  He's got his car featured on his web site which   explains the work he's completed

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Here's another beautiful Roadster owned by Eric Tagesen in New Orleans Louisiana.  He's got some more shots on his web site at....Click the picture..

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All the way from Australia.  This clean Aussie 77 makes its home in Sydney.  The owner gives us a glimpse of how it's done in the Land Down Under...

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Black Beauty....VETTFIXR's 1974 Vette is featured at his web site.   He has an excellent display of pictures and some added elements which will surely be of interest to you 74 owners..

Vettfixr's Home Page

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